The context for this assessment is about protest movements. Students are advised to select the subject of their research of a protest movement for 2.1.
Students may also examine the Black Panther Movement.
Students will present the information about the causes, course and outcome of the protest movement in a powerpoint presentation. Here is a guide to the powerpoint presentation style.
Students must avoid telling the story of the protest movement. Rather, the presentation must contain key historical ideas. You may organize your information along cause and effect diagrams in the planning and then develop your ideas in the powerpoint.
We have analyzed the long term and underlying causes of the Black Power Movement leading to the Black Panther Party.
This is a source that represents that Black Panther Party.
Here is a Marxist (an historical force that led to Communism) perspective on the Black Panther Party.
This site shows evidence of the Black Panther community programs.
This site focuses on the Black Panther activity in one community, Seattle, Washington.
The Black Panther site also has information on their battle with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the United States law enforcement agency.
These are primary source documents of the FBI on the Black Panther Party.
This is a useful secondary source about the FBI and the BPP and the Vietnam War protest movement.
These articles detail how New Zealand was influenced by the Black Panther Movement.